You train a dog to roll over and beg by giving him little rewards along the way. Feed a dog a banquet straight away and he’ll lose interest.
Of course, by no means are we comparing men to dogs… well, not straight out, but you can learn a thing or two about how to train them from our four legged friends.
The first trick is to make your man not so goal orientated, but rather to enjoy the whole game play. For example, at the beginning of your seduction, give him a glimpse of what he can expect if he plays the game right. A peek of a sexy thong or lacey bra can do wonders. But don’t give him too much, just a tiny tiny peek. Learn to roll out your seductive weapons one by one. Giving him a little more each time. This will appeal to his competitive nature and start to pay dividends for you too.
Keep him interested and make him believe that you are too, but that you need a little more convincing. Make him pay attention to you, and once you’re ready to take things further he’ll go crazy.
Oh and one last thing, in that moment just after the passion has climaxed, this is when a man is at his weakest. So use this time to your advantage.